Staff Page

- Bakugou Katsuki -

He brings sophistication and seriousness to the team, even though he may come off a bit rude and mean.

He works in the hero course. He likes to a challenge and is very competitive, he will always keep you on your feet.

- Jirou Kyoka -

Jirou is also quite sophisticated and focused in her work. She's very kind and is more than happy to help the people around her.

She works in the hero course as well. She may seem a bit shy but she's not afraid to communicate. She is extremely talented and knows how to get the job done right.

- Toga Himiko -

She brings encouragement and excitement to the team. She's very playful and likes to tease a lot but she will always help you out in the end.

She works in the villian course. Even though she is a villian, which can make her a quite a handful at times, she is quite sensitive and she is very lovable at times as well, if you want to believe it or not.

- Izuku Midoriya -

He brings encouragment and bravery to the hero course. He is the main team member, since he is extremely powerful and could take down anybody, no matter how big the army.

He is also Bakugou's childhood friend. They know each other pretty well, but just because they are in the same course, doesn't mean they aren't competitve. They aren't very close, thanks to Bakugou putting up a strong front on himself, but they still do talk. Being in the hero course, they are each other's biggest competition, since they are both the strongest team members here.